AI Helps Make Students Learn Simpler
March 22, 2022
Class Saathi AI helps students learn simpler
Learn with Saathi AI

Artificial Intelligence is all about what makes life easy. To use it is a privilege and the world over technocrats are rallying to make AI an everyday part of our lives. This holds true, especially in the field of education and nowhere is AI more useful than here. Here are the top five ways in which AI builds frameworks that help students learn simpler.

1. Everything is data driven -
AI does not know how to operate on bias. This is the first major advantage as it prevents students from feeling bias that can otherwise originate in a classroom.

AI tracks, scores, and records every single activity on any learning platform almost instantly, heavily basing learning recommendations on evidence. This makes for a transparent and transformational learning experience.

2. AI can break things down to their simplest form -
If AI can quickly identify learning gaps in each student, it can also present information in a digestible manner based on their grasping power.

AI has evolved to such a degree that it can also cater to students who struggle with learning disabilities and give them information in ways that they can consume it the best! What an absolutely remarkable achievement!

3. AI can record pace and help students widen their knowledge base -
AI can also record the pace at which a student learns. It can do this for each individual student even if a learning platform caters to over 10 million students.

It can identify the pace at which a student learns and formulate an intelligent framework that can help students increase their pace so that they can retain more information as time goes on!

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Skills results in Maths contest

4. A diagnostic tool -
We have built AI to support effective learning for all students. There is not a more diverse or inclusive learning environment you will find anywhere in the world.

We use and leverage AI as a diagnostic tool for student learning in various ways, such as checking for learning disabilities.

5. Global access to resources -
The world has become a smaller place with technology and this means that students can access resources from anywhere in the world. With AI, students can access learning resources from anywhere in the world at any time.

It is okay to be suspicious of technology but allow that fear and suspicion to stem from an educated space. Earlier, technology was considered a distraction from tasks and goals. Now, however, it is recommended as a system that allows students to learn most optimally. Now check out our app Class Saathi which enables students to learn most optimally!

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