Class 8
Class 8 is serious business, so use Class Saathi, our AI-based learning app for Class 8 to make it fun! We don’t want to scare you with all that is going to be a challenge in Class 8.
We want you to have a fully immersive experience here so that you are ready to smash the challenge out of all your CBSE Class 8th exams and of course, your boards too.
Enjoy learning Maths, Science, Social Science, and English with your learning companion, Class Saathi, an MCQ app for CBSE/NCERT students.
Learn with our Science, Maths, Social Science, and English MCQ app which is fully compliant with all CBSE/NCERT requirements. Check our NCERT-compliant syllabus here to know how our syllabus helps improve your learning.
Once you build a reasonable level of understanding in Class, come back home and test your learning level simply by taking a few quizzes over the Class Saathi app or you can attempt previous years' papers for class 8.
If you do get questions wrong, our app has features that will help you rectify the lag in your learning with tools like concept cards that will explain concepts to you either through diagrams, videos, or both.
With Class Saathi, Force, and Pressure will not remain just names of the chapters in your Science books instead, they will become part of your daily experience.
Learn better with the best AI-based Maths and Science MCQ app in the market right now!
Class 8 may test you in more ways than one but we are here to ease the burden of examinations on you. As students, we want you to experience the thrill that comes from giving an examination successfully.
So before all those formative and summative assessments, use our NCERT-based solutions for Class 8 to gain some key learnings and null the exam fear.
Keep expanding your knowledge with Class Saathi!
Our team will assist you every step of the way in real-time!
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