Frequently Asked Questions about Class Saathi

1) What is in the Saathi Kit?

a) 1 User Manual
b) 1 Teacher Clicker
c) 1 Bluetooth Dongle
d) 40 Student Clickers

2) From where can I download Class Saathi?


3) How to install Class Saathi?

a) Go to the downloads folder on your PC.
b) Click on ‘classsaathi’ installation file (ends with .exe if you have a windows PC or ends with .dmg if you are using Mac) and run the application.
c) Keep clicking on the button “next” and you will see dialogue boxes until the “install” button comes. Finally click on install.
d) You have successfully installed Class Saathi.

4) How To Set Up a Saathi Account?

There are multiple ways to sign in. You can either enter your mobile number or your Class Saathi ID. If you click on ‘Log in with your ID’, you will see a page where you can enter your ID and password. Add the credentials and your setup will be completed.

5) How to add Students in Class Saathi?

a) Click on ‘Go to Manage Mode’ on the top middle of the screen.
b) Click on ‘My Classes’ on the top left of the screen.
c) Click on ‘Add Student’
d) You have two ways to upload. You can click on either one of them.
e) Enter all the required details and click on save.
Protip: You can also use Batch Upload to upload a high number of students.

6) How To Register Clickers?

a) Click on ‘Register Clickers’ on the bottom of the screen.
b) Click on ‘Register Clicker’
c) Follow the on screen steps.
Protip: Register all the clickers at once by this method. Registering a single clicker will be time consuming.

7) How to take attendance?

a) Click on Quick tool icon on the bottom left of your home screen and then click on ‘Roll Call’
b) Students can click on any button on their remote and the attendance will be marked.
c) After the attendance is done, you will see a summary page of present and absent students.

8) How To Create A New Quiz?

a) Click on ‘Create’
b) Choose Quiz as your activity.
c) Give your Quiz a title.
There are two ways to create a quiz.
a. Individual Add
b. Batch Upload
Protip: Choose Individual add to create small quizzes in the app itself.

9) How to create a MCQ type of question?

a) Enter the question.
b) Enter the option in the boxes given below.
c) Select the right option by selecting the option.
d) Enter the option in the boxes given below.
e) Add Topic Tag.

10) How to create a Yes/No type of question?

a) Enter the question.
b) Select O or X as required. (O meaning true, and X meaning false)
c) Customize the timer as needed.
d) Add Topic Tag.
e) Your Quiz has been created. You can play the quiz now, assign it or find it later in your quiz sets.

11) How To Play A New Quiz?

a) Go to the Home screen and click on Play.
b) Select the category ‘My Sets’.
c) Click on the quiz that you’d like to play.
d) Click on Play Now.

12) What Does A Quiz Look Like?

a) The first screen you will see when you start playing the quiz is a multiple choice question.
Here, students can read the question and answer it with their clickers.
b) After the students have answered it, you will see consolidated results. Where you will see the percentage of students who answered correctly.
c) You can see a True or False question on the screen. On the students clicker, they can either select O meaning true or X meaning false.
d) Check the class average after all the questions are answered.

13) How To Create A Vote?

a) Click on ‘Create’
b) Click on ‘Vote/Poll’, then click on ‘Vote’ and enter the title of the vote.
c) Enter the names of the candidates for voting.

14) How To Create A Poll?

a) Click on ‘Create’
b) Click on ‘Vote/Poll’, then click on ‘Poll’ and enter the title of the poll.
c) Type the poll question.
Please Note: You can change the poll type. For example, you can change the rating scale to Yes/No or MCQ.

15) How To Access The Reports?

a) Individual Add
b) Batch Upload
Reports give you various data like attendance and quizzes. They provide data class-wise and student-wise.

16) I have downloaded Class Saathi but I’m not able to install it. How to do that?

It happens when your system blocks the app from running. This is how you can fix it:
a) Click on the installer.
b) A pop will appear ‘Windows protected your PC’
c) Click on ‘More Info’
d) Click on ‘Run Anyway’

17) What do the green, yellow and red colors indicate on students’ names?

The colored circles represent the fact that clickers have been registered. The different colors indicate the battery level of the respective clicker.
Indicators are as follow:
a) Green (Full Battery)
b) Yellow (Medium Battery)
c) Red (Low Battery)

18) Can I add images to my quizzes?

Yes, you can. To add the images, edit the quiz once uploaded and click on the camera icon under the question or the option where you wish to add the image. Choose the image from your system and save it.

19) What if my students answer before I do during the widget mode quiz?

Even if your students answer before you do, the system will take the correct answer based on your clicker’s response only.

20) What can I do if I run out of battery in my clicker?

The battery used in the clicker is a coin battery (CR2032) that can be bought from any electronics shop. Open the clicker gently from the backside. Take out the battery and insert the new battery.

21) How many students can I connect at a time?

You can connect as many students as you wish. However, for effective classroom management, we recommend that you add not more than 60 students at a time.

22) For how long will a battery last?

The battery life goes for 1.5 years. Change the battery if the clicker flickers red light and does not respond.